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Contra Costa Taxpayers Association

Threats and Optimism for Taxpayers from the California Legislature - David Wolfe, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Sponsored by Mike Moore and David Van Etten

  • 22 Mar 2019
  • 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Back Forty Texas BBQ - 100 Coggins Drive, Pleasant Hill


Registration is closed

David Wolfe has worked for eleven years with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers' Association as their Legislative Director. In this capacity he is in the State Capitol continuously, writing position letters and testifying on hundreds of bills. Dozens of these would have demolished the protections of Proposition 13 leading to higher taxes for millions of property owners.

His other responsibilities include putting together an annual Report Card for all 120 legislators, speeches to local taxpayer groups, and contributing to the HJTA quarterly publication "Taxing Times." He has also worked on a variety of initiative campaigns including to defeat taxes and advocate for property rights.

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