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Contra Costa Taxpayers Association

A Slap on the Wrist

04 Mar 2019 10:35 AM | Anonymous

Charles Ramsay, key architect of the corrupt West Contra Costa USD’s $1.6 billion school bond program, has been fined $18,000 by the FPPC for violations of reporting rules.

The forensic audit of a relatively small portion of the program revealed high likelihood of serious waste, fraud and abuse in the program.

CoCoTax strongly supported the forensic audit, which confirmed the allegations of whistle blower Dennis Clay, who was forced out of the district following his courageous disclosure of a variety of violations of district policy. Unfortunately, the new board of trustees have decided, apparently on the advice of the same counsel who failed to properly oversee the very same contracts that were so poorly mismanaged by the district, to take only token remedial action. They have not followed the forensic auditor’s recommendation to seek recovery of misspent funds, and to seek criminal investigation. 

This fine is a slap on the wrist, and reflects only the tip of this massive iceberg of corruption.

Bottom line: all $1.6 billion has been spent, yet half of the district’s schools remain untouched.


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