Maureen Toms, AICP, has been with Contra Costa County for 26 years, working as a Planner in the Public Works Department, before joining the Department of Conservation and Development in the Redevelopment Division. She is currently the Deputy Director of the Policy Planning Division of the Department, covering areas of Advance Planning, Transportation Planning, Demographics, GIS, Solid Waste, the Housing Successor, and the Successor Agency (to the former Redevelopment Agency). In addition, she serves as the Secretary to the County-wide Oversight Board (for former Redevelopment Agencies in Contra Costa County). Her Advance Planning role includes working with the Project Planner for the Envision Contra Costa 2040 – General Plan update.
Address: 1661 Botelho Drive| Ste. 105 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Call: 925.289.6900Email: