We invite you to attend the CoCoTax Monthly Breakfast on Friday, November 22, at 7:45 am. Space is limited - make your reservation early.
Guest Speaker, Steve Edrington
With the Tenant Protection Act of 2019 now signed, California has become just the second state in the nation to pass statewide rent control and just cause for eviction protections. While rent control and eviction protections are nothing new for landlords in large cities, much of the state has never faced anything like it. Even the cities that have had existing local ordinances in place will be impacted by the new law.
Steve Edrington specializes in real estate disputes including residential leasing, property management, real estate transactions and landlord-tenant law relating to rent and eviction controls. He is a real estate broker, developer and investor. Please join us and feel free to bring a guest to Black Bear Diner in Danville.
Reservations required. Cost - Members $25. Non-Members $30
Please register on this website or RSVP by sending an email to info@cocotax.org. Checks can be mailed to P.O. Box 27, Martinez, CA 94553 or you can pay (checks and cash accepted) at the event, however, please RSVP prior to the event.
For further information, please contact Denise at denise@cocotax.org
Address: 1661 Botelho Drive| Ste. 105 Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Call: 925.289.6900Email: info@cocotax.org